Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cancer - Embrace the Outcome

Cancer – “Embrace the Outcome” – is a positive way of keeping a clear mind to overcome the fear and trauma of the Big “C” at first encounter.

If I do face the situation again, I would be better informed of the ill-effects the second time around. When my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer 10 years ago, we felt helpless and deeply devastated when the surgeon revealed the results of her breast-biopsy. As the surgeon broke the bad news calmly to us, my wife and I felt as if she had been given the verdict of a life-sentence by a “judge”. As the doctor gave us a week to decide over a surgery, we both sobbed openly on our drive home.

We only knew that cancer was all about a “deathlike illness” and not curable. We were fearful, scared and hopelessness came over us. That year 1996, the internet was dialled-up analogue system and although it was slow to download files, we managed to do some research on breast-cancer. She has to decide if she preferred Mastectomy or Lumpectomy. She was endowed with fuller breasts and like all women, their breasts are their pride. I knew she would hate to lose one of her breast, so she opted out for lumpectomy instead.

After surgery, she underwent radiation and chemotherapy. The side-effects of these treatments made her very weak and sick. She did not eat well and could not sleep. After 24 months, there was hope that she was in remission. However, she was born with Thalassemia Minor which is a genetic blood disorder and perhaps this might have weakened her immune system to fight aggressive cancer cells.

Six months later, she relapsed and cancer-cells were discovered to have spread to other areas of her lymph nodes including the other breast. She was too weak to undergo another surgery and the oncologist suggested more severe radiation and chemotherapy treatments to reduce the tumours. It was an agony to watch her deteriorating away with the illness. She finally succumbed to breast-cancer in the year 2001 after battling the illness for almost 5 years.

The lesson learnt here is that one should never panic if biopsy showed positive cancer-cells in breast tissues. Family members or loved ones must try to find out more information on breast cancer. With the advent of the internet, medical information could easily be researched. Ask for second opinion from doctors and medical experts. Weigh the options. Do what is best for the patient. Perhaps mastectomy may be preferred if cancer-cells and tumours could be contained and removed to avoid spreading to other areas of the organ.

Maintain positive attitude at all times. Family and loved ones must show love and care to the patient. This is the time the patient must be given care and love by family members. Loved ones must make extra effort to accompany patient on her visits to the Oncologist. Support by family members for the cancer patient is important and critical to show that they are not alone in their fight against cancer.

A patient stricken with breast-cancer or any other types of cancer can be compared to a drowning person who would hang-on to any floating straw for survival. The situation is made worst especially when they lacked knowledge in dealing with the problem. Placed in that sort of trauma, they tend to listen to anyone who claims to have a cure. This is because in their situation they are in dire-straits and desperate. From traditional medicine to concoctions and religious beliefs, they would want to try everything to find a cure and in the end, the patient becomes even more confused when jumping from hope to hope bears no results.

It is true to some extend that prolonged stress is the root-cause of most grave illnesses. If biopsy proof positive, always try to take a second opinion with another surgeon. Then, try not to panic and try to find out more about the illness from the doctor and from other experts or by doing intensive research on the internet. Always remember to stay positive and eliminate all fears. This will keep stress at bay.

If fear and stress persists, as they will for some reasons, try to use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping to release stress. It has been said that EFT Tapping have known to ease the pain of some cancer patients especially nausea and other side-effects of chemotherapy. There are known cases of cancer patients in remission on EFT Tapping. Get on your internet and go to Google YouTube and type “EFT + Cancer Cures” and you could listen to many Case Studies. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by regularly doing EFT Tapping for few minutes each day.

I wished I had discovered EFT Tapping when my wife dictated breast-cancer 10 years ago. My earlier research over the internet failed to discover Gary Craig’s works on EFT Tapping and I believe his discoveries were only published recently. I would recommend EFT Tapping to anyone who is suffering from terminal illnesses especially cancer. Learn the EFT Tapping technique from and download free copy of the EFT Manual now.

In conclusion, embrace the outcome if you are diagnosed with cancer do not fear and panic like my wife and I did. There is hope. The more you discover about your illness, the better you could face the situation and the future. Together, we could fight cancer.

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